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Gendered Public Spaces


With the growing concentration on developing sustainable communities, the need for gender equal cities is felt more than ever. As three researchers based in Iran and the Netherlands, interested in cultural differences regarding the use of public spaces, we carried out an analysis about two public squares in Tehran and Eindhoven. The index rating of two of the six dimensions of Hofstede Theory - masculinity versus femininity and individualism versus collectivism - acted as starting points to compare the use of these two public spaces. Women, as an undeniable yet less involved part of the community regarding architectural and urban design, should regain their right to the city.


In ‘Gendered spaces’ we will discuss what gendered spaces are, how they are produced and how we can make certain spaces more equal. In ‘Perception of safety’, we will elaborate on the issue of perception of safety, which women suffer from at night. And in ‘Public lightening to improve the perception of safety’ we will discuss one design solution for this problem.


Date: Sep 2020 - Nov 2020

Course:   Theory and Practice of the Public Domain

In collaboration with:    Sawiz Ahmadi, Mina Fatemidokhtcharook 

Coaching: Daryl Mulvihill  

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